Our Two Part Video Project -- Challenges Confronting Young Job Seekers

Today's college graduates, who entered school when the financial crisis hit its zenith, face complex challenges. These include a tough job market and a mountain of student debt. Here are parts 1 and 2 of the video effort. They are companion pieces to a 10-part radio series, which aired on AP Radio. A big thank you to my New York colleague Luke Sheridan.

Part 1 -- Overview: (YouTube link below)

Part 2 -- Student debt: (YouTube link below)

Paying Attention -- Being Focused on the World Around Us

I haven't posted many links on this blog, but this is a remarkable essay.  At a time when our behavior is being transformed by technology, we all need to give considerable thought to the negative implications of those changes.  Have you ever been in public watching a parent ignoring their child because they're focused on their mobile device? And what do these habits say about us? This is a quick read and quite thought-provoking. Although it is from the Harvard Business Review, it could just as well be delivered at a homily at Sunday mass.
